Small Business Development Center

Consulting Services

Our network is made up of committed professionals, 每个人都有独特的证书,使他们有资格协助一般和专门的业务需求. Drawing on formal education and years of practical business experience, each consultant is attuned to the challenges business owners face. 他们在以下方面提供了相关的、现实的、可靠的建议:

  • Access to Capital
  • Loan Packaging
  • Financial Analysis
  • Accounting Systems
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Plans
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Start-up Assistance
  • Business Plans

Our Consultants

Barry Kirchoff

Barry Kirchoff

  • Barry Kirchoff serves as Director, Central Minnesota Small Business Development Center. Barry joined St. Cloud State University in November of 2006. Barry为该大学带来了30多年的企业管理经验. His business background includes retail, route and warehouse distribution, human resources and training.

    巴里是一名退休的美国陆军预备役军士长, and holds two degrees from St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城商学与心理学选修学士学位,人力资源培训与开发理学硕士学位.


LaRae Ross

LaRae Ross

  • LaRae Ross 是中部地区小企业发展中心的副主任. LaRae’s skills lie primarily in the area of operations, 她的大部分经验主要来自管理岗位. 她拥有Concordia University的组织管理学士学位,目前正在攻读大众传播硕士学位.

    Since joining the SBDC nearly ten years ago, 她通过国家发展委员会获得了经济发展金融专家的认证,并成为金融素养计划Profit Mastery的认证促进者.

Thomas Gerds

Thomas Gerds

  • Thomas Gerds brings 30 years of business development experience to the SBDC team.

    汤姆自称“营销极客”,工作经历横跨财富500强企业和微型初创企业. 2009年,他与SBDC合作,与妻子在萨泰尔成功开办了一家兽医诊所.

    As a business analyst, 他曾在一个软件项目团队任职,为一家财富500强公司开发全球销售线索跟踪应用程序. 他的背景包括重要的数据库、数据管理、CRM报告和最终用户培训. He has managed a national dealer direct mail program; provided in-house ad agency services for several firms providing graphic design, copy writing, media planning and on-ine marketing; and has designed and developed numerous websites.

    Tom拥有威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校新闻学学士学位,主修广告和市场营销. 汤姆是明尼苏达州30岁的居民,他自愿为非营利组织和冷泉地区历史协会提供MAP服务.

    In his spare time, he designs, builds wood canoes and sea kayaks, restores old vehicles, enjoys photography and painting, plays with radio controlled airplanes and cars.

Duane Northagen

Duane Northagen

  • Duane Northagen 自2014年2月起担任Wright County Economic Development Partnership的执行董事. WCEDP是一个私人非营利组织,支持莱特县企业和社区的经济发展需求. 杜安在过去的30年里一直参与社区和经济发展. 杜安职业生涯的大部分时间都在为包括希宾市在内的公共机构工作, the City of Duluth and the City of Silver Bay. 在此期间,他撰写和管理了100多笔成功的赠款,以支持他所在社区的需求, 其中许多直接关系到为特定企业争取融资奖励. 他也是铁岭经济联盟的两届主席和希宾扶轮的前任社长.

    杜安还自愿在奇泽姆的童子军和靶场中心工作. He also has coached hockey and tennis at the high school and youth levels. 他是曲棍球,垒球和棒球的认证高中官员超过30年. During his free time he enjoys traveling on his motorcycle.

Bruce Thielman

Bruce Thielman

  • Bruce Thielman is a life-long resident of St. Cloud and brings over 30 years of business leadership skills, in both the private and public sectors, to the Small Business Development Center. 他在银行和贷款行业担任副总裁已有20年, branch manager, and loan officer. He originated and closed personal and commercial loans, and specialized in residential real estate lending.

    Bruce also worked for the St. Cloud Housing & Redevelopment Authority for over 13 years. He led the agency in the role of the Executive Director in community, housing and economic development efforts, 导致了许多获奖的发展项目,这些项目涵盖了社区的许多领域,并为圣. Cloud community.

    布鲁斯的商业背景包括私营和公共形式的融资和贷款, organizational development and strategic planning, marketing, and human resources. 他在小企业组建方面有个人经验,并与, and assisted, hundreds of individuals and businesses throughout his career.

    Bruce has a Bachelor of Science degree from St. Cloud State University with majors in Business Management and Psychology, and a Masters of Arts degree in Organizational Development, with an emphasis in Human Resources from Concordia University in St. Paul. 布鲁斯还在各种社区组织中担任过许多志愿者领导职务.

Briana Wright

Briana Wright

  • Briana Wright is a Central Minnesota native and SCSU Husky alumni. 她于去年12月获得心理学学士学位,辅修管理学, 2013, 随后在5月份获得了工业组织心理学硕士学位, 2016. 她在医疗保健、员工福利和保险行业拥有超过6年的经验.

    最近的机会使她在人力资源管理领域进行研究和咨询, Recruitment, Leadership, Training and Organizational Development specific to Healthcare, Retail and Manufacturing. To stay connected with industry professionals, 布里还担任明尼苏达州心理学应用于工作的专业人士(MPPAW)的董事会成员,并代表SBDC访问了许多专业网络活动.

    专业发展和体验式学习是布里的教育和职业目标中的关键主题. 她寻找创新的方法来更好地帮助客户进行商业和财务规划,并喜欢在客户成长和发展的过程中与他们一起学习. 帮助指导客户从创业到继任计划的各个阶段, 证明了这是一段有益的经历,她对企业家有着最高的钦佩.

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